Fiddle-leaf fig tree: size, growth, and origin. To give roots room to grow. Keep the mix moist while the plant is becoming established. When we cut a stem at a lower woody point, buds form much slower than they do at the top green part of the plant. Fiddle Leaf Figs can be tricky trees to get the hang of. Give your home, office, party, or stage a beautiful transformation with a standout piece of luscious greenery! This perky Potted Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree boasts a realistic replication of a fig tree. Size and shape. But there are several cultivars available as well, including: 1. Continue to water and monitor the moisture of the soil to ensure it has enough nutrients to fuel new growth. The fiddle leaf fig is a popular indoor or outdoor plant prized for its large, glossy leaves and attractive shape. 00 with. As a Feng Shui expert, I must share with you some fascinating insights about this alluring plant, but be warned, some secrets are best left to those with a keen eye and a curious spirit. Neem oil works well to get rid of insects, and you can easily find a houseplant neem oil product. You’ll want to get a sharp pair of pruning shears because dull tools or scissors can crush the stems and damage your plant. With their large leaves and relatively fast growth, fiddle leaf figs have voracious appetites. Ficus is a versatile genus with a variety of species adaptable to different environments, from the hardy Rubber Plant to the elegant Weeping Fig. Soil. Be sure to dispose of the dead leaves so the pests don’t spread to your other plants. -The lovely lady at the nursery informed me that buying too large of a pot can be a deathtrap for a fiddle leaf fig. "As a houseplant, fiddle-leaf figs can grow 6 to 10 feet tall, but there are shorter, bushier varieties (like Compacta and Bambino) that work better in small spaces," says Ly. Fiddle Leaf Fig brown spots caused from under watering generally happen because the plant is too dry. Choosing the Right Fertilizer for Fiddle Leaf Figs. Potentially harmful. They’re native to West Africa, in countries like Sierra Leone, where they get 40 to 60 feet tall and bear small green fruit. Native to the African rainforest, it likes bright shade; moist, well-drained soil; and warm, moist air. 1. Fiddle Leaf Figs should be placed in front of a window that will receive direct morning or afternoon light. Fiddle leaf figs are slow growing but some do reach ceiling height in optimum conditions. Fiddle leaf figs are slow growing but some do reach ceiling height in optimum conditions. In this article, we'll discuss five little known facts about the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree. $36. The Majesty Palm is a popular indoor plant that is similar to the Fiddle Leaf Fig. Alternatively, use Fiddle Leaf Fig Organic Fertilizer Spikes. Cover the soil if it’s in direct sunlight. So if you’re struggling with a Fiddle Leaf Fig that isn’t growing, first ask if it is in a natural period of little growth due to winter or recent changes. If the mix still feels quite moist. For plants grown in the. Wear gloves and other protective equipment when handling. Fiddle Leaf Figs Have the Appearance of a Tree Without the Hassle. reduces negative effects in case the soil cracks, shrinks, etc. In this video I try to cover as much as I can about Fiddle Leaf Figs, from shaping to basic care. If your fiddle leaf fig is being overwatered, it is definitely something that you want to address and fix right away as overwatering can quickly lead to root rot which can kill your tree. To achieve this, water your plant as often as it takes for the top 3-6 inches of soil to dry out. You’ll need a section of branch (or trunk) that’s at least 4″ long. When using the stem cutting method, take clean and sharp shears to make a slanting cut on a stem that is 6 inches (15 cm) long from the top. It is native to the tropics of West Africa, however, thanks to its impressive appearance, the plant is now found in other regions and is also a popular indoor plant. Fill up the planter with 1/3rd of the new soil. Holding the plant upright, fill up the pot with more soil, pressing down as you go so the soil is firm. This is because leaves photosynthesize the plant’s food which helps in its growth. Cut Back on Water When Leaves Turn Yellow. Before the fiddle leaf fig took the stage as the most desired ficus on the market, the weeping fig dominated the indoor tree conversation. Because fiddle leaf fig leaves are so large, it can take months or years to regrow lost foliage. In turn, this brings the householder good luck. This mix will provide the plant with all the nutrients and moisture it needs to grow and thrive. This causes the soil to be dry and light. PRUNING. It makes a decor impact, and is also notorious for being a challenging houseplant to keep alive. This tree can grow up to 10 feet. Then you may need to rotate your tree in the shower and slightly bend the plant sideways to reach the lowest leaves. Fiddle leaf figs don’t do well in the cold and prefer warm, humid environments. "Most people grow the main species (Ficus. An exceptional indoor plant. Additionally, it is used to treat inflammatory, cardiovascular, and respiratory illnesses (including sore throats, coughs, and bronchial issues) [2]. You can ask someone to hold the plant upright while you fill the sides of the pot with fresh soil. Finally, if your fiddle leaf fig has a disease, you should remove all parts affected. As Fiddle Leaf Figs are not fans of change, keep these conditions as consistent as possible throughout the year. The Rubber Tree is known for its air-purifying qualities and fast growth, but it can also be prone to attracting pests and becoming leggy as it grows taller. Ficus lyrata ‘Bambino’:This is a dwarf variety that only reaches a few feet tall. Like all indoor plants, fiddle leaf figs have specific requirements to grow and thrive indoors, and that's the challenge. Potentially harmful. The easiest way to propagate a fiddle leaf fig is by water propagation. Place the stem, cut side down, in a jar of clean, room temperature water. 5 cm. Meet the man working to put the next big “It” plant on every windowsill in North America. Lots of people have great success with this method, and it’s fun because you can see the rooting progress instead of having to wait to see growth or tug on the cutting. Your fiddle leaf is losing water to its cells and is unable to replace it. The fiddle leaf fig is one of the most popular houseplants in the design world, and the trend doesn’t seem to be dying off anytime soon. It will require extreme measures if there are many brown spots on the leaves. Cut a small section of stem on a diagonal, ensuring there is 1-2 inches of bare stem at the bottom. (3. Water the plant until the soil is soaked, wet, and dripping. Take your fiddle leaf fig cuttings and place them in the jar of water. Be sure to let the plant drain thoroughly before popping back in its decorative pot. Not only are Fiddle Leaf Figs striking and hearty, they help purify the air by removing unhealthy organic compounds. Be sure that the top of the root ball sits at the same level it did in the prior pot. BEST MOISTURE CONTROL: Perfect Plants Fiddle Leaf Fig Soil Mix. Improving airflow. The Fiddle Leaf Fig, with its signature large, glossy leaves, offers. For medium-sized fiddle leaf figs, choose a pot that’s 4-6 inches wider in diameter and 2-3 inches taller than its current pot. This allows the opportunity for more than one bud to form at the same time. Fiddle plants prefer soils that are high in organic matter, as it helps retain moisture and nutrients. Choose Pot Color. Caring for a fiddle leaf fig isn't really all that different from caring for other houseplants. Fiddle leaf figs are native to the tropical rainforest, so they thrive in humid environments. This simulates the conditions of their native environment and will keep them happy. Keep the compost moist but guard against waterlogging by watering the cuttings from below. Do not allow the pot to sit in the drained water. Place the fiddle leaf fig back in the pot. Don’t add water until the top inch (2. Consider placing a humidifier by the plant, or utilizing a pebble tray. Wipe the stem with a damp cloth. Bleached or brown spots that occur on the top leaves of a plant may indicate sunburn. As they grow, they are commonly seen as floor plants. Once a week is usually sufficient for indoor fiddle leaf fig trees. They can tolerate some fluctuation in temperature, but sudden changes can cause stress to the plant and may cause the leaves to drop. However, make sure that your plant is not inadvertently next to a cold or hot air vents, as this will make it harder to control the environment around the plant. 00 – $ 244. Weeping figs, rubber trees, and fiddle leaf figs are especially popular for indoor growing. Compacta Fiddle Leaf Fig. If they don’t get enough light, they will lose their leaves and begin to die. That’s why we created The Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource, which is filled with helpful tips. Removing damaged leaves – To help your plant recover and prevent brown spots from spreading, you need to remove leaves that are infected. Fiddle Leaf Figs are native to tropical Africa, while rubber plants are native to Southeast Asia. Fiddle leaf figs need a good stable watering regime to flourish. Fiddle leaf is very sensitive to temperature fluctuations, so place it in a warm room (60° to 85° F) away from drafts and heating and air conditioning vents. Ficus Audrey. An underwatered Fiddle Leaf Fig tree on the left, and the same tree less than 24 hours later. The Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) is a species of fig tree native to the lowland tropics of western Africa. Decorate your home with plants combined with a plant pot to suit your style. Grab the fiddle leaf fig near the soil line and give it a wiggle. 9k) $ 24. Here's how to grow and care for your fiddle leaf fig tree, a popular indoor houseplant. It makes cleaning, watering, rearranging, and rotating your plants a breeze. Humidity. With its big leaves and smaller roots, the best NPK ratio for a fiddle leaf is 3-1-2 (or 6-2-4). “These. For larger plants, 12″-14″ is the max size you’ll want to use. Problems with your fiddle leaf fig tree can arise when the foliage around. This allows the opportunity for more than one bud to form at the same time. 6: Don’t let an ailing fiddle-leaf fig tree dry out completely. Fiddle Leaf Fig Light Requirements – The Essentials. 5. 5 Qt. When dealing with small plants, the former form is a better option, whereas taller or broader plants grow better as tree-shaped. These plants also react badly to hot or cold drafts, so try to keep them away from vents or windows that allow air to seep in. It is native to western Africa, from Cameroon west to Sierra Leone, where it grows in lowland tropical rainforest. 95. One of the first and most common signs of trouble in a fiddle leaf fig tree is dropping leaves. Leaving your real fiddle leaf fig tree in the vessel that it came in, place it in the bathtub. Re-potting. Grow fiddle leaf fig in a spot that gets bright but indirect light, away from draughts. 12. This gorgeous plant has very large, heavily veined, violin-shaped leaves that grow upright. More from the no collections. Cover the sides with fresh soil. Remove all the leaves except the one closest to the end of the stem. If the weather is too dry, you can buy a room humidifier, mist the leaves of your fiddle leaf fig plant with water or surround it with other tropical plants to increase humidity. It can also add a bit of stability if your plant is a bit top-heavy. Our giant fiddle-leaf fig tree was the one we learned the most on. This video is a step by step guide showing you how to keep your Fiddle Leaf Fig happy and healthy. Ficus lyrata ‘Compacta’:This variety can reach up to 5 feet tall and features. Additionally, provide your Fiddle Leaf Fig with appropriate. Another benefit of pruning is to limit the overgrowth of Ficus Lyrata in outdoor environments. Allow the top half of the soil to dry between waterings. Once a leaf or growth turns brown, remove it so it doesn’t drain resources from the rest of the plant. Description. Yes, pumice is good for Fiddle Leaf Figs, due to the following benefits: lightens the soil. Size and shape. This plant rarely flowers or fruits when grown as a houseplant. 3. One of my Fiddle Leaf Figs. Fiddle Leaf Fig. Slice a shallow cut in the plant’s stem, add rooting hormone, and cover the cut with damp sphagnum moss. ) Fiddle-leaf fig trees are expensive, so it’s best to learn a smaller one – our little one only cost $14. Gently wipe down the large leaves with water once a week. For plants that are greater than 2 feet tall, water with 2 cups of water each week. Fiddle leaf figs need soil with a pH between six and seven. Once this is done, fill the trench with some fresh potting soil mix. They like to be snug in their pots. You can always remove a few leaves to create an ideal spot if needed. Once your fiddle is out of the old pot, massage the root ball to loosen it if necessary. 'Unless your pet has an allergic reaction (not common) fiddle leaf figs are generally not considered lethal,' says triple board. Make sure to spray your Fiddle Leaf Fig thoroughly, especially the undersides of the leaves, since spider mites love to settle there. Then place your pot outside or in a bathtub where it can drain, and slowly add water to the top of the pot,. Fiddle leaf figs do best with a fertilizer that has an N-P-K ratio of 3-1-2. to 3 ft. For a small plant, go with 8″-10″ diameter. After 3 years, the tree will look like an ornamental tree and will take about 10-15 years to reach its full mature height of 8 feet. Something to keep in mind is that Fiddle Leaf Figs create new branches any time a pruning cut is made to a stem or branch. Ficus lyrata Ficus pandurata. The most devoted of plant parents have moved these trees around the home, chasing the perfect light, or have invested in humidifiers and moisture meters. This formulation of plant food allows the fiddle leaf fig to sustain its existing leaves and grow new ones. Give it some outdoor time where it can get a breeze, 3. In the video, I show a mature, two-year-old fiddle leaf fig tree and a new, three-week-old, stake-dependent version of the. Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees 101: A Field Guide to Growing, Care & Design. They’re native to West Africa, in countries like Sierra Leone, where they get 40 to 60 feet tall and bear small green fruit. Though this is not a realistic (or a recommended) humidity level to keep your house at, figs are well adapted to grow in an indoor setting that maintains a humidity level of at least 40%. The ideal range you want to try and grow it in is somewhere between 15°C (60°F) and 26°C (79°F). Large, glossy violin-shaped leaves are its namesake, perfectly contrasting against a sleek trunk. Feed the plant with a balanced fertilizer once a month during the growing season, and prune off any dead or damaged leaves. The condition of the leaves of your fiddle leaf fig are a big indicator on its health. Your fig has outgrown its pot. Place the jar in bright, indirect light. This Fiddle Leaf Fig has a Thrip problem (zoomed in and colored red on the upper right side of the image). Generally, the fiddle leaf fig has two shapes: a wider bush shape and a relatively narrow tree shape. The ideal range you want to try and grow it in is somewhere between 15°C (60°F) and 26°C (79°F). Mix the soap concentrate in a spray bottle, according to the instructions. As such, planting it in a well-drained soil is vital since it helps to improve aeration. Removing the growing tip encourages the plant to thicken and provide. Some houseplant enthusiasts believe the fiddle leaf fig plant lost its. Cut a plant section that is at least 6 inches long on a diagonal, leaving 1-2 inches of bare stem. Add to Cart. Skin allergen. The trunk can grow to several feet thick. The fiddle leaf fig is known to be one of the most finicky and difficult houseplants to care for indoors. Brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves are unfortunately pretty common. The leaves should be removed by pruning, and the plant should be relocated to a more protected location. Black spots aren’t the only problem caused by overwatering. Costa Farms Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree $72. This means that it thrives in bright, indirect sunlight rather than direct sunlight. Use an old cloth and some lukewarm water every couple of weeks to help keep them happy. 'A good soil mix for a fiddle leaf fig should contain one part compost, one part peat moss, one part perlite and one part sand,' says James. One of the best ways to ensure your fiddle leaf fig tree stays healthy is by using a soil mix that is specifically designed for the plant. The fruit, root, and leaves of the fiddle leaf fig can be used to cure digestive issues (colic, indigestion, loss of appetite, and diarrhea). This simulates the conditions of their native environment and will keep them happy. Edema on a fiddle leaf fig leaf. The nutrient content of compost and manure varies greatly. The best NPK ratio for a fiddle leaf fig plant is 3-1-2. Whereas the Fig Tree is usually 33 feet tall and 10 feet wide. As they grow the trunk becomes progressively thinner. Leaves with a stout, 2-5 cm long, glabrous, grooved petiole; lamina thick fiddle-shaped or pandurate, 15-30 cm long, 12-20 cm 9-10-costate at the cordate base, sinuate-entire, almost truncate and very shortly acuminate at the apex, glabrous, lateral nerves 4. In nature, a fiddle-leaf fig can grow up to 50 feet tall, but don't worry—your houseplant won't break. These conditions should remain as consistent as possible between seasons. See moreThe fiddle-leaf fig ( Ficus lyrata) is a tropical plant native to rainforests in central and western Africa. The main species, Ficus lyrata, is the most common fiddle-leaf fig plant that gardeners grow. Finally, water the plant well. [12]Ficus lyrata. In nature, a fiddle-leaf fig can grow up to 50 feet tall, but don't worry—your houseplant won't break through your ceiling. Check your plants regularly and. For optimal conditions keep the humidity at 50% or higher. '. Water when the top two inches are dry. The fiddle-leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) is a small tree in the fig genus (Ficus) and belongs to the mulberry family (Moraceae). The direct sun makes anywhere from 40,000 to 100,000 lux of light (roughly 4,000 – 10,000 foot candles). Place the plant in the new container and fill the sides with soil. The ideal temperature range for a fiddle leaf fig is between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. A few hours of direct sunlight make the Fiddle happy, as well. Fiddle leaf figs do best with a fertilizer that has an N-P-K ratio of 3-1-2. By now, you must have figured out that the Fiddle Leaf Fig is finicky; perfecting the right amount of water this plant needs, takes time and practice…. 5. FICUS LYRATA Potted plant, fiddle-leaf fig, 9 ½" Plants are perfect roommates – they help to create a homely feel and can lift your well-being by reducing stress. The Fiddle Leaf Fig Is Dead. 4 Other Tips for Healthy Fiddle Leaf Figs A Good Watering Regime. The Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) is a species of fig tree native to the lowland tropics of western Africa. Lots of people have great success with this method, and it’s fun because you can see the rooting progress instead of having to wait to see growth or tug on the cutting. Fiddle Leaf Figs are tropical plants and known to be a little tricky to take care of, but with the right growing conditions they can thrive. Use light potting soil or water for leaf or stem cuttings. Use an air layering technique to propagate your fiddle leaf fig plant. Use these tips as your guide to save an overwatered fiddle leaf fig. 5. It would be best to use a spray bottle because you can easily control how much water to apply. It may need pruning to. The ideal humidity for a fiddle leaf fig is around 40-60%, but it is important to keep in mind that this number will vary depending on the size and type of the plant. It can withstand temperatures up to 100 °F with ease. Project Overview. $229. 4. Make sure the container is a good size and shape to support your cutting and keep it upright. The fruit of the Fiddle Leaf Fig is minute and green, and it grows in clusters proximal to the leaves’ base. Moraceae is sometimes known as the “fig family,. For the first 2-3 years, the tree’s growth rate will be slow. You should begin to see new shoots and leaves beginning to grow within a few weeks. Outdoor trees require much more water, fertilizer, and sunlight than fiddle leaf figs. This fiddle leaf fig tree, which can be purchased in 1-2 foot or 3-4 foot sizes, is a popular choice among any level of indoor gardener. Ideally, what you’re aiming for is a window with a mostly unobstructed eastern, western, or southern exposure — you don’t want trees or close buildings shading the window. Fertilize monthly in the spring and summer with a simple houseplant fertilizer. The ideal temperature range for a fiddle leaf fig is between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Ficus Lyrata. More Options Available $ 18. The best. Locate near an east or south-facing window with bright indirect or brightly filtered light. The fiddle-leaf fig tree thrives when planted in well-aerated soil. Fiddle leaf figs can be grown outside in the late spring, summer, and early fall, but the temperatures will drop after that. When we cut a stem at a lower woody point, buds form much slower than they do at the top green part of the plant. These mixtures contain amendments like. A slightly acidic pH between 5. Risks of Using Coffee on Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants. Learn more about pruning here. The more closely your climate matches the fiddle’s native environment of tropical West Africa, the more likely your fiddle will be to thrive outdoors. The polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids, and. Without a complete compost and decomposition. . To prune your plant, simply cut off any yellow or brown leaves at the base of the stem. Consider placing a humidifier by. How to grow fiddle leaf fig. Make sure to spray your Fiddle Leaf Fig thoroughly, especially the undersides of the leaves, since spider mites love to settle there. The most popular way to propagate a fiddle leaf fig plant is by taking a cutting from the stem and growing it in water. 2. It has large, broad, lyre-shaped, green leaves that can measure up to 18 inches long. 1) remove all soil 2) wash the rootball 3) prune soft and mushy roots 4. Water sparingly during the resting period. Compacta Fiddle Leaf Fig. When notching a fiddle leaf fig, it’s very important that you take care not to cut all the way through the stem. It is sometimes grown in the tropics as an ornamental shade tree. When this happens, repotting is necessary. From £ 27. Featuring a black pot filled with faux dark brown soil and dark brown plastic branches and stems with large, luscious fiddle leaves, this is perfect. Ficus lyrata ‘Compacta’: This variety can reach up to 5 feet tall and features smaller,. If the air is too dry, you may find your plants’ big, bold leaves show crispy brown edges. Here’s everything you need to know about how to propagate fiddle leaf figs using these three methods. Place the container in a warm spot with bright indirect light. The fiddle leaf fig is easily recognizable and loved for its distinctive foliage. $229. com. 99 from IKEA! – so if your new plant happens to croak, you’re not out too much money!Fiddle leaf fig propagation: Leaf or cutting in water Another propagation method popular for fiddle leaf figs is putting a cutting or single leaf in water . Sudden changes to the plant’s environment can cause your fiddle leaf fig to become limp and droop, but your fig should recover in a few weeks. This plant will flourish in the right conditions. You can check out the USDA’s plant hardiness zone map to learn more about the different hardiness zones. For a small fiddle leaf fig, water your plant with 1 cup of water every week or so. 5. Species: Ficus lyrata or lyrata. Wipe the leaves. Unsubscribe any time. ”. Shipping Height 1-2 ft. How much light is too much light for the Fiddle Leaf Fig? Sunburn on a Fiddle Leaf Fig's leaves. Lack of watering can cause the leaves to curl. It's no surprise that the the Fiddle Leaf Fig has risen to the top of the most wanted indoor plant list, with its structural leaves and ability to transform almost any. These mixtures contain amendments like perlite to improve drainage; it allows air to flow more freely around the roots. The fiddle-leaf fig, or Ficus lyrata, is related to the rubber tree, the weeping fig tree, and other members of the Ficus family, which includes the common fig tree grown for its fruit, Ficus carica. It is sometimes grown in the tropics as an ornamental shade tree. You’ve probably seen two kinds of fiddle leaf figs — the tall, tree-like type with a long, bare trunk, and the short bushy type with leaves that start at the base. The best soil for a fiddle leaf fig is one that is designed to provide air circulation and water retention. Dealing With Indoor Pests. Since its launch back into popularity, the fiddle leaf fig‘s (or Ficus lyrata‘s) finicky reputation has been solidified. It’s one of the few houseplants available today that takes the form of a true tree, much like the other Ficus that shares its genus. 1. Grab the fiddle leaf fig near the soil line and give it a wiggle. The Majesty Palm is known to purify the air and help. After that, wait to water it once more until the soil has dried to a level 1-2 inches below the surface. Covering the soil with pebbles can help keep the moisture in. 1. This mix will provide the plant with all the nutrients and moisture it needs to grow and thrive. But they thrive well in spaces that receive plenty of sunlight. Ficus lyrata, commonly called fiddle-leaf fig or banjo fig, is native to Africa. 5 cm. While the holes on the fiddle leaf fig could be tiny at first, failure to treat them can lead to the death of the plant. Tropical Plants 101: Everything You Need to Know. Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree’s canopy should not be close enough to physically touch its light source (i. Try to prune in the spring or early summer. Ideally, what you’re aiming for is a window with a mostly unobstructed eastern, western, or southern. Fiddle leaf fig trees grow well in hardiness zones 9-11. Most ficus plants are active in spring and summer, with growth. Both cases will drop leaves, but dry plants will drop leaves throughout the plant, not just the bottom leaves. FLF trees could be a perfect accent to your indoor spaces. It makes cleaning, watering, rearranging, and rotating your plants a breeze. To keep things simple, water your plant the same amount each week. $ 99. Root rot is a condition that starts in the roots and can spread throughout the plant, which results in the plant shedding its leaves. WATER REGULARLY (but not too much) Duh. Step 6: Wait one month before planting out. This is for two reasons. This may seem like a relatively simple task, but overwatering is where first-time owners of this plant tend to go wrong. Tip #3 - it needs just the right amount of water. Move it a quarter turn every week or so to expose all sides to light for a natural upright growth. to 10 ft. Feed monthly with a balanced houseplant fertilizer but dilute to half strength before use. watering this plant about once a week should suffice. Fertilize: Overfeeding your plants will also cause burnt leave margins. Since fiddle leaf fig plants can remove foul-smelling toxins from the air like formaldehyde and benzene, they also freshen the air, improving its smell. This is pretty easy to check with commercial fertilizers but is not a given when it comes to homemade fertilizers. Ficus can be evergreen or deciduous trees, shrubs or climbers, with often leathery, simple, entire or lobed leaves and tiny flowers borne within a hollow receptacle which enlarges to form the fruit. Native to the rainforests of western and central Africa, the Fiddle Leaf Fig is perhaps best known for its violin-shaped leaves. The Top House Plant for Decor Dubbed the "It" plant of decor by the New York Times, the Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree has become the star of the design. Without food, your plant will stop growing and die. Like succulent propagation, fiddle leaf fig cuttings don't like to become too wet. Jason likes to use fiddle-leaf figs as a statement piece.